Useful Contacts
We share the vision where residents are able to live a life free from harm and where communities
- Have a culture that does not tolerate abuse
- Works together to prevent abuse
- Knows what to do when abuse happens
To learn more about safeguarding follow link to
National Mind
Mind Info Line email [email protected]
0300 123 3393
0300 555 1200
Mental Health Direct – NELFT
24hr 0300 555 1000
Havering Access & Assessment Team & Brief Intervention Team
0300 555 1092
London Borough of Havering
01708 434343
Havering Direct – Social Service
01708 432000
Out of Hours 01078 433999
Havering Carepoint
The independent Health and Social Care and information and advice service for adults in Havering. The aim is to help people live as independently as possible within the community and have a wide range of information about the different choices available to offer support and care when they need it most.
01708 776770
116 123

Side By Side
Side by Side is a supportive online mental health community where you can be yourself. We all know what it's like to struggle sometimes, but now there's a safe place to listen, share and be heard.
Find out more